Hi Earl
I ended up using Chat for help with this last week because I was getting desperate. It has helped somewhat. I am not getting the error message: We could not retrieve information details for this item. Please try again later.
But I have a problem with being able to retrieve all my items. Before the upgrade, I would enter an abbreviated item ID, such as D21T, into the item field, and all the items starting with that code would be available for me to choose from. Now I get a list of about 20 items, yet I know that there are over 100 items beginning with D21T.
At the moment, I have to go into Items to find the exact Item ID I want, write it down and then do the invoice. It is very time consuming.
I am using Google Chrome on an iMac. My OS is Ventura 13.3. I have tried refreshing my browser and emptying the cache.