Forum Discussion

VickiJ's avatar
2 years ago

Emails bouncing - Diagnostic-Code: rejected



We are getting the above message when we are sending our invoices to our customers .

The Plan Manager email is  : 

This only started happening last week 

Can you please check this email is not blacklisted or be fixed please 



  • Hi VickiJ,


    Thanks for your post and welcome here to the Community Forum. Apologies for the delay in responding, and thank you for your effort flagging this to us. We are sorry to hear that you have been experiencing issues when sending emails since last week. We apologize for the inconvenience this has caused you. Furthermore, we genuinely appreciate your patience and understanding during this time. 


    Generally speaking, a rejected diagnostic code means that the recipients end has rejected the incoming email. I have checked the email address you have provided, and it is not blacklisted on our end. You may try whitelisting and try to send another email to the email address to check if it will still bounce back. 


    Additionally, you may fix the issue by trying to email an invoice to yourself. This will let you confirm the email address that the email is being sent from. Once you know this, provide it to the recipient, so they can ensure its whitelisted against any antispam systems they have set up on their email as well as adding it to their address book within their email. 


    By having the email whitelisted and contained in the address book, it should help prevent the email from being marked as spam incorrectly. 



    Please don't hesitate to post again if you need help in the future. 


    If my response has answered your enquiry, please click "Accept as Solution" to assist other users find this information. 




  • Hi VickiJ
    I trust you are having a fantastic day. I just want to check back with you if you still need assistance with the email that is bouncing back. Feel free to come back to the Community Forum if you have any more questions, we are more than happy to assist. 
