Forum Discussion

HDG's avatar
Experienced Cover User
3 years ago


There is something very strange happening with MYOB at present.


Double up of invoices are not being flagged if entered already. MYOB is allowing the double up to occur. 


Invoices with no info are also not being flagged but saved without notification.


Cards are reverting to an old file with incorrect information and doubling up.


I am wasting so much trying to clean up this system it's driving me insane.


FIX IT FOR GOODNESS SAKE! How can a program that has thousands of users be so unstable. How frustrating?



  • Hi HDG 


    Thanks for your post.


    Typically we would see invoice doubling up happening if Warn for Duplicate...Number on Recorded Sales is not selected in Setup>>Preferences>>Sales. I would recommend checking that this option has been ticked. 


    When recording an invoice with just a customer name you should get the following warning:


    As for the cards reverting back to an old file I would need to know more information. To what cards is this happening? How have you cleaned up those cards? Where are they appearing?

    • HDG's avatar
      Experienced Cover User

      As stated i haven't changed any of my selecitons and have been using the same program since 2004 and have made changes accordingly. The ticks are definitely on.


      The duplciate warning and the little information use to come up but hasn't been of late for sales.


      The information regarding the cards is for customers. I originally exported the cards then made changes and imported them again but found that this was duplicating my cards and not updating them (and yes i imported them with the duplication not ticked). When i asked MYOB about this they said there was nothing i could do but delete them individually which is what i did and in the process updated all the contacts. It tooks ages as i've got over 8000 customer cards. I've now noticed that old one's i deleted from 2011 and before have returned in and more recent one's have not got all the contact information that was added.



      • Yanike_S's avatar
        MYOB Staff

        Hi HDG 


        Thanks for the clarification. Could you try to clear the AccountRight cache, this could help with odd behaviour of the programme. 


        If you are still experiencing this issue, I would need to know how you are processing these invoices that are doubling up in order for me to investigate this further. For example this setting doesn't work when you create invoices in the browser, and also we have seen invoices doubling up when converting the same quote several times. 


        As for the customer cards you can only delete a card if it has never been used in a transaction. If it has been used, you will not be able to delete it, even after deleting any associated transactions. This ensures you keep a history of cards used in transactions for auditing reports. Instead of deleting, you can make the card inactive or combine the card with another one to remove the old card from your lists. 


        If you have marked these cards as inactive, where are they appearing in your file? What is the exact information that is missing from the more recent cards? Does it happen to all of them or just a few?

  • HDG's avatar
    Experienced Cover User

    OK i spent days cleaning up my card files to only find from the last upgrade that they have all returned into my system again. HOW THE HELL IS THIS POSSIBLE?