Forum Discussion

JulieM09's avatar
Trusted Cover User
6 years ago

Anyone having trouble sending their STP file to the ATO?

When I go to upload my payroll via STP, it takes for ever and the system seems to 'stutter' as it ploughs away (the revolving circular arrow fades in and out, slows, speeds up, slows).  Then I receive the following message

 "Something went wrong at our end. Sorry about that. You'll need to come back later and try again."


The problem I have is that I don't know if this message is from MYOB or the ATO.  I am reluctant to continue to finalising payroll because there is every chance I will forget to go back and upload it. 


What is going on??

  • Hey JulieM09,


    Thanks for the post.


    Yesterday the ATO did report an issue with sending STP reports however this should now be resolved. Is this something you are having trouble with today? If so, would you mind providing a screenshot of that error message that appears and I would be happy to look into this further for you.


    Let me know how you are going.

  • Hey JulieM09,


    Thanks for the post.


    Yesterday the ATO did report an issue with sending STP reports however this should now be resolved. Is this something you are having trouble with today? If so, would you mind providing a screenshot of that error message that appears and I would be happy to look into this further for you.


    Let me know how you are going.

    • JulieM09's avatar
      Trusted Cover User

      Thanks Maxine


      It appears the problem was at our end. Unfortunately, when I asked at the time if anyone was having problems they replied No, hence my email.  Another party in the office finally noticed that our server needed re-booting :)

      • Maxine_BC's avatar
        Former Staff

        Hey JulieM09,


        Thanks for keeping me updated. I am happy that this has now been resolved for you after rebooting your server. Feel free to mark this as a solution and do feel free to post again if you have any other queries.


        Have a nice Monday!

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