Forum Discussion

KateMcK's avatar
6 years ago

Can you change the payment account in a recorded transaction?

Hi everyone,


I'm stuck with an entry that I made when I first started. I incorrectly selected the wrong bank account (shouldn't be Bank Account #1) for payment, but now I'm unable to change it as it's greyed out. I have full administrator access so am wondering if it's possible to change the account?


I tried to delete the payment but get an error message saying I can't make any changes to a recorded transaction.


Would appreciate any help please!



  • Hi KateMcK


    If this is a deposit transaction, in that the payment was applied to the order and then that order is converted to a bill, then the deposit transaction itself is locked. That said our help article Supplier deposits, steps through how to reverse and settle the transaction so that you can enter it in again with the correct information

  • GDay53's avatar
    Ultimate Cover User



    Welcome to the MYOB Community Forum, I hope you find plenty of useful information.


    The transaction will be greyed out if it is in a locked period or the preference for Must Reverse not delete is selected.

    Looking at the date it is in the current 2019 year so you should still be able to change and delete it.

    First check to see if the Preference for Reverse not delete is selected.

    Go to Setup on the menu bar then down to Preferences.

    Open the Security tab, is the first preference (Must Reverse not Delete) ticked if so untick it.

    While in the Security also check 2nd preference ( locked period) if it is ticked and the date is after the transaction date you will need to untick this as well.

    You should now be able to open the Payment and change the pay from account.

    Once finishe don't forget to go back and lock the period again.


    • Thank you, unfortunately that still isn't possible for me. 


      I've attached screenshots to show what I'm receiving, if you could please advise any other ways?


      Thank you

      • Neil_M's avatar
        Former Staff

        Hi KateMcK


        If this is a deposit transaction, in that the payment was applied to the order and then that order is converted to a bill, then the deposit transaction itself is locked. That said our help article Supplier deposits, steps through how to reverse and settle the transaction so that you can enter it in again with the correct information