ASWatCR's avatar
12 years ago

Accounts List: Column indication for inactive accounts

In the Account Lists area, there should be a column (next to the linked accounts column) that indicates if the account is active or inactive.  It is very frustrating having to click into every account to see if it is active or not. 


Also a button that can switch between showing all accounts or only active accounts would be useful.  I think these suggestions would be very simple to do, but very useful.  If you agree, pls vote for it!


P.S. The ability to combine accounts now is such a great function to help clean up account lists!


"Accounts List - Ease of Use for Active/Inactive Accounts"

  • Status changed:
    Thank you again for your continued suggestions ASwatCR, improving the ease of use of AccountRight is something we're always looking to do. Other users who think this would be a great addition please do keep voting and commenting.
  • Status changed:

    Hi Everyone

    AccountRight Desktop will denote whether an account is active using the selection arrow for the account in the Accounts Lists - grey means inactive, and blue means active. This follows other list windows dealing with active/inactive records.


    Through the AccountRight Browser interface, you have the option to Show inactive accounts. When this is enabled all inactive accounts will be displayed at the bottom of their section of the chart of accounts with the Status column showing that they are inactive.