Will_SolnX_NZ's avatar
Valued Partner
12 years ago

Accounts: Stop journal consolidation


In earlier versions of AccountRight it was possible to enter a single journal entry that coded against the same account multiple times, and each line could be reconciled individually, or searched for individually in reports or Find Transaction screens.


Is it possible to return to the old way of reporting journal entries, where I could reconcile each line individually, and search for each line individually?  The way the software now consolidates journals makes it much harder for me to see the individual parts of account movement if I'm coding spend money or general journal transactions.

"Stop journal consolidation in AccountRight 2011"

  • In MYOB V19 - you could enter a itemised Purchase using the same General Ledger Code (such as 5-1020 - Materials (Cost of Sales)) - and view each itemized line entered in the Job it was allocated to. Now, in Version 2013.2 - it is consolidated as one amount - meaning that you can no longer view each item individually.  We use the individual lines as a means to check when costing out a Job.  It is not practical for a 20 line itemized invoice to select a separate General Ledger Code for each item, so that we can view each item on our reports.

    Please unconsolidate this urgently - it is not practical. 

    If others would prefer it consolidated, then put an option on the menu when you go to look at the entries (say in the Job Activity Report) which allows you to choose an expanded or consolidated report.

    Thank you.


    Looking forward to a resolution......

  • Hi Dale


    What about payroll entries i.e. SGC & RESC super, which need to be separated as they are paid to 2 different super funds or SGC is being direct debited and RESC is paid manually, these are still being consolidated in AR 2013.2, please fix.


    If we go to the trouble of entering things separately i.e. on different lines even if the same account is being used, it is obvious that we need the separate lines to show in the general ledger!!!

  • EdenInOz's avatar
    Experienced Cover User

    Ditto from me, this consolidation is driving me to distraction. It as added to my workload when reconciling accounts.

    The status is now "planned", but I would like to know when exactly it is going to be released?

  • Agreed.


    This change has slowed my bank reconciliation process tenfold.


    Don't understand why it was changed in the first place?!

  • jenniek's avatar
    Ultimate Partner

    Hi Jason,

    Can we have an update on this - above you mention it is planned for 2013.1 release - but looking at the later posts - this hasn't happened?

  • Hi Jennie,


    Happy to provide an update. I'm sure you are aware that our development team ended up focusing most of their resources on improving speed and performance for the 2013.1 and 2013.3 releases. This was based on overwhelming feedback from clients and Partners that it should be the team's biggest priority. Tackling journal consolidation is absolutely still planned (Dale Dixon made a public commitment at recent Partner Connection events) and will be tackled as soon as the team has addressed payroll performance. I will ask our product managers to provide a timeframe as soon as they are able.


    All the best,

    Jason Hill
    Community Manager

  • Status changed:
    Coming Soon
    Thanks for all your votes and comments. This request is now in development and scheduled for our next AccountRight update 2013.4.
  • Status changed:
    Coming Soon
    Thanks again for all your votes and comments. We have implemented this suggestion in AccountRight 2013.4. We hope the change makes business life easier for you.
  • Daz152's avatar
    Experienced Partner

    I use retailmanager with Accountright 2016.3 and currently spend a minimum of 2 to 3 hours per import of data because accountright combines deposits and payment journals in the cash on hand account.

    For example if we have 20 direct deposits for the day then when we post that to AR is creates one General journal file with 20+ entries.

    I then have to redo each of those entries to enable it match the bank.

    THis is also true with eftpos, cash etc as the total may not match the actual banking for the day because of time etc.

    In the old MYOB it showed every individual journal in the prepare bank deposit and these could be matched against the actual deposit book, merchant summary etc.

    It would save me hours especially when I'm away for a week, and comeback to 100+ journals to do.

    This also happens with other imports as well if they have same date and account number.