MJJH's avatar
Cover User
12 years ago

Sales: Sending customers an email of all outstanding invoices

bulk invoice email


"I have Accountright and want to send a client an email with a copy of each outstanding invoice."

  • Has this been done yet? would be so helpful and much easier for customers

  • Thank you everyone for your feedback. Our developers are still looking into the possibility of adding this feature to AccountRight.

    Any other users who wish to see this feature please keep the votes and comments coming.

  • mumow's avatar
    Experienced Cover User

    With invoices in particular, if there was also the option to select the appropriate "message" to accompany the invoice batch, it would also be time saving.

  • Mel_Gibbons's avatar
    Experienced Cover User

    It would be great when you send statements to customers, that it attaches all outstanding invocies as well...

  • DCee's avatar
    Cover User

    As a customer, one of our suppliers does end of month invoicing and it is very frustrating receiving one email per invoice, our Supplier is also always apologetic. One email with multiple invoices would be appreciated by both parties.

  • Yes this would be great.  I'd like to attach all overdue invoices when emailing Statements.

  • coffeepapercups's avatar
    Experienced Cover User

    Another great idea in 2013 again its 2021 has this been implemented ?  

  • Status changed:

    Hi Everyone

    When you use online emailing within AccountRight, recipients will be able to view all unpaid invoices emailed to them using the View unpaid invoices emailed to you option at the bottom of the email. This is in addition to the Unpaid Invoice summary that is also issued out on the 3rd of each month.