Thomas15's avatar
Cover User
9 years ago

Email: Use Trading Name, not Business Name



When our customers receive an emailed invoice from us, the sender  of the email is shown as our Business Name (which is a trust name) not our Trading Name which is what we are known by.


We would love to be able to change this so that the name that the email is sent from be our Trading Name.




"Sender of email invoices to be Trading Name rather than Business Name"


  • JamesSullivan's avatar
    Experienced Partner

    An invoice is a legal document as is a quote or purchase order.  As such it is required to have your full legal name.  For a trust this would include the name of the trustee.


    Thus you would have to have something like this. 

                                                                Bill Blogs

                                                              as trustee for

                                                       The Bloggs Family Trust

                                                              trading as

                                 SMART BIZ

              ABN 111 111 111 11



  • Hi James,


    The issue is not with the invoice but with the email that is sent with the invoice. It should use the Trading Name and not the business name. 



  • RienaP's avatar
    Former Staff

    Hi  Thomas15


    Thanks for your question and thanks to Michael-OB and JamesSullivan


    If you go to your business settings (top-right hand corner) >>Invoice and quote settings>>under Default email text>>Default Invoice Email>> drop down the arrow, you can select your Trading Name instead of your Business Name. You have an opportunity to change the default email message and choose what you want your customer to see.


    When email is sent to the customer this is what a customer can see


    I can see that it is currently using both the business name as well as Trading name as mentioned by Michael-OB and Thomas15. I would highly recommend you to put forward your idea using this "Submit an Idea" on this forum as our developers look at when making enhancements for any of our software. Once the idea is there than other users who would like the change can vote for this idea. As the ranking increases, there are higher chances for our product developers to consider the idea in upcoming upgrades. 


    Hope this helps! Please let us know if there is further help needed. 

  • Hi

    I am also having this issue, and the email settings don't allow to fix it.

    My issue is that my business name eg 'ABC Pty Ltd' is coming up as the 'from' in the clients inbox. 

    I believe this is pulling from the actual business name in the myob set up, which of course I can't change in the business details.  But in the email it only gives the stubject and text to be altered, not the 'from' field.


    Our clients don't know our PTY LTD company name as we are trading as for eg 'DEF Livestock Transport' so it's completely different.


    Can we please be given an option to change this as it seems extremely unprofessional.

