MandyHamilton's avatar
Cover User
11 years ago

Payroll: (New Zealand) Holiday Pay accrual to be paid out upon termination

I appreciate that Essentials Payroll is a basic payroll, however it would be appreciated if some necessary adjustments could be made:


* A casual employee doesn't have to have their 8% paid in every pay.  They can receive the 8% when they finish up.  There is currently nothing to change this and so we have to make them part-time which isn't right.


* A part-time employee doesn't necessarily get a lieu day when they work on a stat day if that is not their normal working day.  They get time and a half, but a lieu day isn't a given.  As above if I put my casuals in as part-time, they don't get a lieu for working a stat, but the system gives them one and there is no work around.


* There is no legal requirement to show Annual Leave on payslips.  More options here would be great.


A nice to have:

* We have one particular client that can't split their time to different divisions and for that to come through into their different codes on the accounting side.  For example they have one employee that does baking, then spend time on the retail side and they want to split her wages between two different codes.






"Essentials Payroll"


  • Status changed:
    Thanks for your feedback on this. While the Payroll system in Essentials is basic, we're always looking at making it more user friendly and would be happy to add your suggestions to the possible options to add. To get an idea of the general demand for this idea please remember to vote if you would also like to see this added in.
  • HI all yes I am just back to MYOB after a break and my employer is using essentials, I am finding the lack of categories and flexability somewhat frustrating.



  • Apparently Payroll Essentials has no facility at all to calculate pay-as-you go Holiday Pay for casual workers (see explanation below). Given casual workers are pretty common in small businesses (your target market) I think you need to develop a system to include this calculation.


    I've mentioned this to one company who recently asked me for feedback on Essentials Payroll with a view to them moving to it - they immediately said that its a deal breaker for them and they only have 7 casual workers.




    From If the employee’s employment pattern is so intermittent or irregular that it isn’t possible or practicable to attempt to provide 4 weeks’ paid annual holidays, the employee may be paid annual holiday pay with their regular pay (i.e. on a paid-as-you-earn basis) on the basis of not less than 8% of the employee’s gross weekly earnings.

    • I have just found a similar request by MandyHamilton on ‎24-04-2014, so please vote on her request to try to get this added. Thanks

  • I would like to see the option of not displaying leave details on payslips. Some of my staff see the balance and want to take leave not taking in account what they need for the annual xmas shutdown. This creates problems when they realise they dont have enough leave to see them through the shut

  • There is no legal requirement to show Annual Leave on payslips. 

    shouldnt force ppl to include.