Forum Discussion

Sam20's avatar
2 years ago

Email reminders 12 months away

Hello. I feel like I am so close to figuring this out but using the wrong search terms.   I am looking to have a reminder to contact customers around 11 months after their invoice date to get in co...
  • Mike_James's avatar
    2 years ago

    Hi Sam20 , welcome to the forum. The following may help you:


    - In Setup, Preferences, Sales, tick the option to create a contact log entry with every sale

    - After creating a sale, open the customer card, find the log entry and enter a date in the Recontact field

    - Use the To-Do list, contact alert, to see your upcoming contacts.

    - Or create a custom contact alert report which includes their email address. 


    Also see


    Existing invoices can have a log entry created by editing the invoice, make a small non-financial change, then record.