Forum Discussion

Diamond0's avatar
Experienced User
2 years ago

Supplier invoice is prefilled from an InTray document not picking up duplicates

Hi Myob


Ihave found that when a supplier invoice is prefilled from an InTray document, the supplier invoice number isn’t checking to see if its already been used.  I don't think the “Warn for duplicate supplier invoice number” is triggering if the supplier invoice number has already been used.


How do I fix this?

  • Hi Diamond0


    I have noticed the same problem and it does seem to be a bit of hit or miss. This is not only with AccountRight it has been a problem with MYOB ever since (well for as long as I can remember).


    I commented on this so if you get a resolution to the problem, I would like to know what the solution is.




    Neil Doran

  • Genreve_S's avatar
    MYOB Moderator

    Hi Diamond0 and Don_Davis


    Thanks for posting your concerns in the forum. 


    I could understand the need to have all bills have a unique transaction number. In my understanding, creating a bill from the Intray window would route you to the same window when creating a bill without any Intray documents. The transaction number in that window is auto-filled and will follow a sequence unless changed. May I get you to attach a screenshot of this in your next response for us to investigate (duplicate transaction number bills)? Any additional information will be much appreciated. 


    We look forward to your response. 




    • Diamond0's avatar
      Experienced User

      Genreve_S  Can you please complete a test and but in the same bill twice using the intray and you will see there is no warning that they are duplicates.

      • Genreve_S's avatar
        MYOB Moderator

        Hi Diamond0

        Thank you for your response and for pointing out the issue. 


        I believe we are referring to the Supplier Inv Number instead of the purchase number. I am sorry for the confusion. Unfortunately, the application does not have a way to detect duplicates for Supplier Invoice Numbers. It only allows to detection of duplicates for Purchase numbers.

        I could understand how there are a lot of use cases where duplicate Supplier Inv Number alerts would be useful. Rest assured we will raise this to the development team as a suggestion. 


