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GeoffOReilly's avatar
Contributing Cover User
2 years ago

STP report accepted by ATO ... but ATO data has not updated

I processed normal payroll 2 weeks ago ... lodged STP report with ATO ... ATO updated YTD data ... All good to here!


Then on the same day, I separately processed the final unused annual leave (only) for one employee who terminated ... lodged the STP report with ATO ... Payroll Reporting shows green "ACCEPTED" ... so far so good ... but see below ...


Then, last week, I again processed normal payroll ... lodged STP report with ATO ... ATO has updated it's YTD data for all the content of this pay run ... seems all good ...


However ... the Payroll Reporting Centre has still not updated the YTD data for the unused annual leave pay run above ... all annual figures are correct except for the content of that single pay run.


Seems like a lot of nonsense for $76.xx of gross pay (with no tax)!!!


And before you ask ... yes, unused annual leave is properly set up as a catagory and was successfully used for another terminated employee in April ...


It seems there is nothing I can do to fix this, because the STP report has been ACCEPTED and everything in MYOB is correct.


Is this just some delay in the ATO updating it's data?

  • GeoffOReilly's avatar
    2 years ago

    all fixed now ...


    I sent an update event to re-sync MYOB data ...


    ... then re-sent the termination event ...


    So ... in all this I did not change a thing in MYOB - no catagory setiings, no master file data, no transactions ... this all looks like a random or system bug with MYOB to ATO syncing error ... that should get to be fixed by MYOB??? 

  • Hi GeoffOReilly 


    'And before you ask ... yes, unused annual leave is properly set up as a catagory and was successfully used for another terminated employee in April ...' - At the time of the Payrun, how was the properly setup payroll category you used in that pay 'assigned' for STP purposes? How it was assigned is what determines what goes to the ATO.


    'It seems there is nothing I can do to fix this, because the STP report has been ACCEPTED and everything in MYOB is correct.' - Accepted by the ATO doesn't mean the data is correct, they will accept any data that complies with the reporting specifications, lodged by an authorised person. It is up to the employer and their software developer (MYOB) to ensure the data reported is correct. If not, any errors in how a payroll category is assigned should be fixed, any payroll errors needs to be fixed, any coding errors need to be fixed and then an Update Event should be submitted to correct the data, which will replace what was previously sent.


    'Is this just some delay in the ATO updating it's data?' - The ATO updates data either instantly or shortly thereafter. The ATO however does not manage the MYOB Payroll Reporting Centre. What is shown there is what MYOB decides to show there. There have been numerous 'bugs' involving terminated employees and what data MYOB sends to the ATO and what they display in the Payroll Reporting Centre. 


    Suggest you check how the payroll category was assigned and update this post. If it was set up correctly at the time, follow up with a moderator to see if there is an ongoing issue with how this is shown in MYOB's Payroll Reporting Centre. Or moderator might respond once they see your answer.




    • GeoffOReilly's avatar
      Contributing Cover User

      Thanks for your input Gavin ...


      When STP 2 was set up months ago Unused annual leave in MYOB was assigned to ATO's Unused leave on termination. That setting has never been changed since. As I said before, other payments have gone through that process without problems. This is NOT the problem!


      AND, I can't "fix" what is already correct in MYOB!


      On this occasion I processed normal pay everyone in cluding the terminating employee. On the same day, I processed the unused annual leave for just the terminating employee in a separate payrun ... both were reported to ATO at the time, and both are now showing correct numbers in correct catagories for YTD for the subject employee.


      The NEXT day I sent the update event for the termination of said employee. I now have noticed that that YTD report omitted the unused leave from the data reported to the ATO, even though it was there the previous day.


      So ... thinking that someting went wrong with the timings here, I have just now undone the the termination event, and waiting for the status to change from SENT to ACCEPTED ... I'll check the reports then and hopefully can resend the termination event with a correct report????

      • GeoffOReilly's avatar
        Contributing Cover User

        all fixed now ...


        I sent an update event to re-sync MYOB data ...


        ... then re-sent the termination event ...


        So ... in all this I did not change a thing in MYOB - no catagory setiings, no master file data, no transactions ... this all looks like a random or system bug with MYOB to ATO syncing error ... that should get to be fixed by MYOB???