ASWatCR's avatar
12 years ago

Spend Money/Receive Money: Ability to Insert/Delete Rows (General Journals)

It would be really useful if MYOB had the ability to insert rows in Spend Money/Receive Money/General Journals transactions (you can do it in purchase/sales invoices) – it is extremely frustrating when something has been entered and a line is missing, you then need to redo a section of the journal if you want it in a particular order (or especially with recurring journals that may slightly change from month to month and you want to insert a line, but not at the bottom). 


This would be easily overcome with the ability to insert lines in these types of transactions.  What do other people think or am I the only one that wants the order of line items to be in a specific order?

"Ability to Insert/Delete rows in Spend/Receive Money and General Journals"

  • Indybee's avatar
    Experienced Cover User

    I agree!


    I ahve just come online to find out how I delete the line that keeps popping up under my transactions in Spend Money. It takes me several attemps to delete it and I have actually come up with a VOID entry when I exit.


    This is REALLY frustrating. THere should be an add and delete in journals and SPens and Receive. WHY HASN"T THIS BEEN ADDED!

  • JGMC's avatar
    Cover User

    Hi. I see alot of people have voted for this, and it is something I would love too. For some reason I am unable to see all the comments, so can you please tell me if this is a feature that MYOB are actually looking into? Thanks

  • Paul_Maconochie's avatar
    Experienced Cover User

    It is also frustrating that currently, in Spend Money, even when you delete the data from an automatically generated new line, a  relict "$0.00" is left behind which is inconvenient to delete.

    Implementing the "delete row" suggestion would provide a fix to this problem which did not exist in MYOB v19.15 but has been introduced in AR2019.2.

  • ARL 2018 and 2019 (before the latest upgrade to 2019.2.1) used to have an auto balancing feature when there were multiple lines in a transaction. After speaking with Tech support this appears to have been removed as a feature by product developers. Why? The feature was great when there were multiple lines as it always balanced to the full transaction amount. Who thought that this would be a good idea to remove this feature without speaking with the end users? Please re-instate this feature ASAP.

  • Paul_Maconochie's avatar
    Experienced Cover User

    This suggestion has been around for a long time and ties in with the really annoying feature of Spend Money that as soon as you hit either Tab or Enter a new transaction line is generated and it takes multiple key clicks to go back to where you were.

    I seriously wish MYOB would attend to these annoyances. 132 votes is a relatively high vote compared with the support for many of the other suggestions.


    "Ability to Insert/Delete rows in Spend/Receive Money and General Journals"

  • I notice this is still open. Is there any update on whether these changes are going to be made to the software?