We are trying to move toward sending all our invoices and statements via email where we can. This works great for the invoices because the invoices that I have set the card to 'Send invoices by email" only show up on the "email" tab in "send invoices" and the invoices to print only show up on the "print" tab.
This is not the case for the Statements. ALL statements to be sent show up under both tabs. There is no option on the card to "send statement by email".
When sending statements, on the email tab, you can see all the clients you have email addresses for so that works, however when you go back to the print tab, no email addresses show so how on earth are you supposed to know which clients you have already emailed statements to as the entire list of statements shows on both screens.
I'm surprised this hasn't been addressed yet with so many businesses moving toward emailing rather than printing. We have version 19.5 and were excited to learn there is a later version however I'm told this problem that we have has not been addressed in the latest version.