stucky's avatar
Experienced User
11 years ago

Report: Show quote accepted over a period

There is no quote reports yet in Live Accounts.


Could a report be created that shows the "Accepted" quotes in a selected period, therefore giving you the sales for this period?


A sale is generally a customer acceptance of a quote and not when this quote is converted to an invoice. An accepted quote ("a sale") may only be converted to an invoice after a few weeks. 


"Quote reports"


  • stucky's avatar
    Experienced User

    Should I assume that this issue hasn't got enough votes and therefore it's not important? That's what I am interpretig from your reply.


    If that is the case, there is no issue but I rather get a staight response so I know where I'm standing and what I need to do to enable me to find a software that can give me accurate sales information. Live Accounts certainly doesn't.


  • stucky's avatar
    Experienced User

    Please could you add a report for quotes?

    There are none available yet. 

    Simple as:


     Quote Nr    -   Customer   -   Date Created   -   Date Expiry   -   Amount (excl GST)   -   Status


    and ideally with the selection of the period (from - to) and the status


    PLEASE. PLEASE can we have one simple report?





  • Hi stucky 


    I have addressed this question in your new thread created here.  Unfortunately I don't have any time frames on when or if this will be implemented.

  • stucky's avatar
    Experienced User

    Considering this was put on a "not important", "maybe do one day", "why bother" priority, I will look elsewhere for other companies that may give us a better service and is customer needs orientated?


    The reality is that no one in MYOB really understands what a powerful sales tool you could give your customers have with that module. Sad...

  • Suja_P's avatar
    Former Staff

    Thank you for your feedback, stucky.


    I understand your frustration at not seeing the requested changes brought about sooner. As mentioned in the past the Idea Exchange board is regularly visited by our Product Development team and every Idea is looked into and prioritised based on demand and the impact it has on usability of the software.


    I can see that the ability to be able to report on Accepted Quotes is something that is important for your business and may be so for a lot of others. I have therefore brought the matter to the attention of our Developers for further consideration.


    Unfortunately I'm unable to give you a time frame on when this may be implemented, but would like to assure you that improving our products and services to help make your business life easier is our main priority.



    MYOB Support