EOFY Leave hrs do not balance
My Payroll Register and Payroll Activity reports match exactly for the $ amounts but the leave balance (hrs) does not. Some, but not all, employees who left during the FY and had their leave paid out have a negative hrs value in the Payroll Register but not in the Payroll Activity. I suspect it might be due to A/L hrs carried over from previous yrs. Does it matter for EOFY finalisation?
Thanking MYOB Supporters in advance
Hi Carbine
When a file is upgraded from v19, there is a known bug with how leave accruals are treated. When this happens the file needs to be fixed by MYOB - you will see a number of older forum posts about this. sometimes you can fix it yourself by editing the carry forward balance in order to get the correct end result.
Fortunately none of this is reportable to the ATO, so it will not affect your STP reporting or the EOY process. You only report leave paid as a dollar amount.