Forum Discussion

Lehan_Aus's avatar
Experienced Cover User
4 years ago

Is there any way to change a non-inventory item with Purchase and/or Sales History to an Inventory Item?

I have been producing some custom products for business customers, exactly according to their orders. If they order 50, I have been making 50. i.e. I have not been holding inventory stock of either the finished items or the various parts that are used to make the item.

Now I am moving to a situation where sales are good, and I want to hold some of the component parts as inventory. If I buy more stock, my cost goes down. Some of these component items are also sold to the clients as spare parts. For example, a Handbook is a component in a final kit, but also sold as spares to the business clients. 

Right in the beginning, I did not tick the "I Inventory This Item". And now I can't, because the item has Purchase or Sales History. Before and After screenshots of the window are attached to this post.


Right now, the only solution I can see is to create totally new items, and let the old ones become inactive. But I would rather just be able to get that Inventory Tick in there somehow.

Is it possible? 

  • Hi Lehan_Aus 


    When I Inventory this Item is enabled the system tracks the current value and quantity on hand amounts for the cost of sales amounts and other aspects. If an item has not been enabled with I Inventory This Item upon setting up that item and transactions have used that item, the system hasn't tracked that information thus can't determine the current value/quantity on hand. As a result, you are not able to enable I Inventory This Item on a current item. 


    If you are needing to enable I Inventory This Item for a pre-existing item the options would be:

    • Delete all sales, purchases and inventory adjustments that use that item before enabling that option and re-recording those transactions.
    • Create a new item with that preference enabled and inactivate the old item.
  • Hi Lehan_Aus 


    When I Inventory this Item is enabled the system tracks the current value and quantity on hand amounts for the cost of sales amounts and other aspects. If an item has not been enabled with I Inventory This Item upon setting up that item and transactions have used that item, the system hasn't tracked that information thus can't determine the current value/quantity on hand. As a result, you are not able to enable I Inventory This Item on a current item. 


    If you are needing to enable I Inventory This Item for a pre-existing item the options would be:

    • Delete all sales, purchases and inventory adjustments that use that item before enabling that option and re-recording those transactions.
    • Create a new item with that preference enabled and inactivate the old item.
    • Lehan_Aus's avatar
      Experienced Cover User

      Thanks Steven_M ,

      I had thought this would be the only two options, but posted to the community board "just in case".


      I very much appreciate you confirming it for me, so that I know for sure now. In the end, I have created new inventory items, and I will do a stock transfer etc, then mark the old ones as inactive eventually.


