Forum Discussion

Basketball's avatar
Experienced Cover User
4 years ago

Reversing and reprocessing a returned super payment

Hi there, 

We have received an email from MYOB Pay Super, as follows:

"Unfortunately, due to the super fund YYYYYYY closing on the 30/09/2021, your recent superannuation batch payment with the amount of $.X.XX has failed.

Your payment will need to be reprocessed once your employee card files have been updated."


We have done the following so far:

We have updated the S/Fund details and SPIN for the 3 employees this involved

- We have seen the deposit of the full amount of $X.XX (the whole batch, for all employees, not just the 3 with error) come back into our bank account. This deposit amount has been posted to a transaction clearing account for now)


I read the help note and I am comfy with reversing the entire payment as described, but just need some clarification on reprocessing the super payment please as the help note splits the treatment depending on whether amounts need to be reprocessed or not - I believe the whole amount needs to be reprocessed as the total batch came back to our bank account


Am I reading this correctly please?

Thanks in advance

  • Hi Basketball 


    You are correct, the entire batch should be available  for re-processing.


    You would split it if only one or a few payments were returned, not the entire batch.

  • IanChait's avatar
    Ultimate Cover User

    Hi Basketball 


    You are correct, the entire batch should be available  for re-processing.


    You would split it if only one or a few payments were returned, not the entire batch.

    • Basketball's avatar
      Experienced Cover User

      Thanks Ian, your answer has been most helpful. Successful in reversing and reprocessing the batch